Many people these days tend to buy things they don't need with the money they don't have to impress the people the don't even like.
Just some awesome segue again. So as of today, I've been single for a few months. 5 months plus to be exact. I use to jump from relationships to relationships, hoping and trying to find the right one. Someone who is willing to be there for me, hold on to me and stay with me forever. That's when I realized, all of this is fucking crazy. Maybe, just maybe I should start focusing on myself. I mean I've wasted 6 years of my youth on the wrong guys after all. Well, it's pretty true that most of my gfs are happily attached, leading their little attached life. I'm just all alone here, but it took me a while to fight my denial. It's about time to finally find myself.
If I could travel back in time to re live my wrong relationships, I would have done it again. I would have to get cheated on to realized that I trust people too easily. I would need to be overly controlled by someone to realized that I should never do controls on people. What's more important is to learn and grow from your previous relationships.
I might have began to lose faith in love and nothing is able to change that fact.
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