Sunday, August 17, 2014


I guess insecurity runs in the mind of certain people after a particular incident. I can't help but to constantly think that people come and go. How to get rid of such insecurity?

Insecurity kills all that is beautiful

I don't wanna be seen as someone who is overly sensitive and possessive. I know I am not that but who is unable to when such a thing happened to you for countless of times? The reason why we struggle from insecurity is because we compare behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel.

No one wants to be left, hanging.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Stand up

It's true how after several people left my life, I tend to lose faith in people. I hate getting too close to people because when I thought they will be there for me, they eventually leave. I've learnt that people will always leave, even those who said they never would. Because one bad relationship could make you never wanna fall in love again.

Nonetheless, I gotta pick myself up and start all over again.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Let's just say I am able to put it this way,  "Everyone are greedy and self-centered motha fuckers." 
Who doesn't think for themselves? We are all greedy and self-centered to a certain extend, probably motha fuckers may be a lil overboard but you get what I mean. 
Cause nothing is enough in this wicked world.

Are you financially contented? Are you in a lovely relationship that contains zero flaws? Do you have enough time? Everyone of us eventually face problems in our life and we will be lacking of something. Something that you'll never have had enough of. Good enough, never is.

However, self-worth is far more valuable. Some people will like you for no reason, while others dislike without a reason. Who you choose to spend your time, thoughts and effort on depends on how much you exactly like yourselves. By just staying near to people who doesn't give a fuck about you tells them that it's alright to do so. Bitches gonna hate so basic bitch get off my face.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. People come and go, so keep your walls up bitches.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Just a Girl

"Girls are just so hard to understand,"

It takes more than a billion words to describe how girls behave or think but it works the same for guys too. If girls are not an open book, so are guys because we are just human. But one thing for sure is that girls do think way more than guys. When we say that we are fine, we are not. Maybe a woman says we are fine when we are not just don't wanna come across as too bitchy, aggressive, pathetic, sensitive, or scare you off. So if this scenario do happen (which is pretty often), keep asking why and not walk away on her.

I love being called pretty, but will never believe it. I'm not always right, but I hate admitting my mistakes. I'm almost always smiling, but it's not always real. I can be read like an open book, but I still hide some stuff. That's because I'm just a girl.

I'm not someone that apologize for my mistakes without cooling down first. So if I do, you meant something.

A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left. I guess I'm no wise girl.