You know what they say...
It takes about 2-3 years to fully understand someone.
So what are the odds of truely knowing someone way before the 2-3 years mark?
You know what they say...
It is essential for a couple to quarrel once in a while, just so to really understand your partner.
So if you barely quarrel with your partner, does it mean that you have something to be worried about?
You know what they say...
You'll always have to put in effort into maintaining a relationship. Make things interesting once in a while or else the spark dies off eventually.
These "you know what they say" worries me from time to time. Thus I took a step back and think as there will always be two sides to the story. What if some true soulmates out there takes less than 2 years to fully know their partner? What if the couple doesn't quarrel much due to tramatizing, full of quarreling past relationships that they've had?
There are ought to have many 'if', 'how', and 'why' questions revolving around theories of the universe. Yet, some of us still don't get most of the answers that we are looking for. So stop for a second and think. Is this worth worrying over? If your answer is no, move on because the carousel never stops turning.
A conversation with bae sparked my train of thoughts and thus this blogpost.
If I lay here, if I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?